Mohamed Bahri

G Merge made even better

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First of all, allow us to say that we are thrilled to have such an amazing community of users. You have been very generous with your feedback, and we’d like to say thank you.

Since the last major upgrade of G Merge, the engineering team has been working very hard, using your suggestions to create a user experience even more powerful for everybody.

Based on what you had to say, we tweaked the add-on so that you will now find the following features in G Merge:

Column Matching

We brought back the possibility of picking any spreadsheet column to match with the Document Title and Shared to fields in the add-on sidebar. This is now Data Merge’s default mode.

Turn the switch on if you want G Merge to create the following columns automatically: Document Title, Shared to/Recipient and Email Subject.

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The Active Sheet

No need to rename your sheet “Data Source” to run a merge, G Merge will work on the active sheet. Just select the sheet you want to process and click Generate!

feb 16 blog pic 2If you are scheduling an automatic batch in one sheet, the add-on stays locked on the sheet. To be able to use the add-on again you will need to unschedule the job.

Google Forms & G Merge

For the many of you using Google Forms linked to G Merge, we have great news. With this new release, you will now be able to program G Merge so that it runs automatically on form submission.

Document titles and email subjects can now be configured so they are generated automatically based on a prefix. For example, documents can be Document – 1, Document – 2 and Document – 3.

Want to share documents with only one user and send emails to just one recipient? Set document sharing and email recipients with a fixed email address.

feb 16 blog pic 3Search Templates

Now you don’t have to lose time scrolling through your templates to find what you need. The new search function in your shared templates list makes templates management easier.

Even More Improvements

To finish off all these great new features, we have also fixed it so that all your tracking and scheduling details will follow the time zone settings of your spreadsheet, independently of that of your device. To set your spreadsheet time zone, go to File in your spreadsheet menu, and choose the item Spreadsheet settings.

The add-on will now write your dates  on your documents exactly as you write them in your data-source spreadsheet, for example 16 February 2016 or 02/16/2016.

feb_16_blog_pic_4We are listening to what you have to say. Rest assured that we will continue to work hard to deliver a great G Merge.

Keep the feedback coming! product manager Mohamed Bahri started his career in informations systems consulting with companies like Accenture and E&Y, before going on his own and working freelance for different SAP programs as project manager. “My passion is entrepreneurship and business development,” says Mohamed, who co-founded in 2015.

Mohamed BahriG Merge made even better
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The New, Improved G Merge

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With the new year comes new resolutions. At, we have two for 2016:

  1. Be thankful every day for our amazing community of users. In only a couple of months, you are now several thousands using our products every day. Thank you for your  trust and your feedback.
  2. Work hard to give back to our community, by providing you with the best products on the market.

Easier UIThat’s why today we are very proud to introduce the long-awaited new features in our G Merge add-on.

A new, more user-friendly UI
The interface now makes it easier for users to navigate the add-on. If you’re new to G Merge, essential tips will guide you every step of the way. Just hover your mouse over the information buttons to find the help you are looking for.

Want to do the job later? No problem
A scheduling function lets you pick when you want G Merge to generate documents or send emails. We give you an extensive list of options: You can schedule the add-on to run at a specific date or hour in the future, or you can set it to repeat the task on certain days or every hour.

filter & Scheduler 2
Filters that let you tell the product what and what not to do
Sometimes you want to create documents only for certain rows, and not for all the rows in your spreadsheet. Go to the Settings page of the new G Merge, and you will discover that you can now set filters. Rows that do not match the criteria you set in your filters will not be processed.

Where are my documents?URLs
Don’t panic, now you have a direct link to each of them

A new column called Document URL that we create in your spreadsheet saves you time as it eliminates having to look in your Drive folder to find your generated documents.  You’ll find a link to your new documents in this column. All you have to do is click to access them.

Google ContactsExport contact > Import in spreadsheet. No more!
The brand-new contact importer directly links to your Google Contacts

Communicate easier with the people you contact most often. This new feature lets you import your Google Contacts groups right into your spreadsheet.

Making email pretty is not always easy.
No worries, we’ve got you covered with our new template library

Still on communicating easier, we’ve created a library of templates you can use to get your message across effectively. We’ve made available to you a range of email templates, from responsive types with cool images and graphics, to pure text messages.

Template Library

Impressed? We hope you are.

The brand-new version is love. Give us a try and let us know what you think!

Get G Merge here!

momo product manager Mohamed Bahri started his career in informations systems consulting with companies like Accenture and E&Y, before going on his own and working freelance for different SAP programs as project manager. “My passion is entrepreneurship and business development,” says Momo, who co-founded in 2015.

Mohamed BahriThe New, Improved G Merge
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