They say that the only constant thing is change and the world is more unpredictable now. We try our best to make sure that things are set up to a T and with the help of technology, the burden is somehow lifted. As we dive into the digital era, most of our work has been migrated online.
This virtual transition has given birth to a surge of workflow applications to aid businesses in functioning seamlessly during the shift. Let’s take Sofia, for example. Sofia is a Chemistry department head for a university in the UK. She has been using Form Workflow Plus ever since the outbreak of the pandemic. Grading, submission of requirements, and project requests are some of her department’s active workflows and everything has been set-up accordingly.
Recently, one of the teachers in Sofia’s department, Brent, went on an emergency leave. The deadline for the grade submission was nearing and there were still requests from the workflow that Brent had not actioned upon yet. With the reviewer unavailable, how would the approvals move? How will they meet the deadline?
Form Workflow Plus definitely kept busy during these past few months to make sure we included updates on the product that would help cases like Sofia’s. The introduction of the Bypass Response allows workflow creators, like her, to set decisions on behalf of the unavailable reviewer directly from the web application.
It was also convenient for Sofia to learn more about the feature from the comprehensive guides we have available on the Help Center. You too can have access to these information, here are the links:
- My co-worker is on leave and cannot process their pending requests. How can I process these?
- How to Use Bypass Response in Form Workflow Plus
Aside from these, it was easy for her to reach out for further support by emailing support@wizy.io and by booking a demo with the Customer Success Managers here:
Now, workflow creators need not worry about the absence of their reviewers because it is quick and easy to set decisions for pending requests with Form Workflow Plus’ Bypass Response.
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